Trine staff members have conducted environmental investigations in about every state east of the Mississippi River! We have conducted radiological investigation in Valdosta, GA; bedrock investigations in Jefferson, MO; PCB investigations and excavations in Indianapolis, IN; contaminated groundwater investigations in St. Petersburg, FL; and dioxin investigations in Midland, MI to name a few of the 26 states (27 counting New Orleans and our experience with Hurricane Katrina disaster relief efforts which is technically east of the Mississippi River).
We understand one of the crucial steps for federal agency projects is defining the nature and extent of the subsurface environmental contamination on the facility or military base of interest. In most instances, the involved parties desire the site assessment phase to be completed in a timely and cost effective manner in order to reach a decision point as to the future use and/or potential for Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) status. Trine can provide reliable, quick, and inexpensive site assessments by using Geoprobe Direct Push Techniques and then having a qualified lab analyze the soil and/or groundwater. Once our analysis of the facility’s surface and/or subsurface issues have been completed, we can offer turnkey demolition and remediation recommendations that can often be completed with our strategic alliance partners.
Our well-traveled experiences have exposed us to a diverse range of lithological conditions, varying groundwater influences and subsurface conditions impacted by diverse geological conditions, as well as the ability to adjust to “life on the road.” We are well versed in karst topography and subsurface conditions, which is also overlapped with our geotechnical experiences!
TRINE is proficient in all phases of soil and groundwater remediation from the preliminary site assessments, to sitting drill rigs or turning hand augers for the initial soil and/or groundwater investigations, through the selection of the remedial action with the intention of reducing overall cost, implementation, and finally project closure. Our approach is to communicate with our clients throughout the decision-making process to identify the most cost efficient, technically and/or biologically advanced solution. As an example, our staff members were involved in a remediation project consisting of former military munitions with the most prevalent contaminant of concern being TNT. The client, USACE, was saved thousands of dollars when a conclusion was reached that tomato plants could be used for a significant portion of the remediation process!
Additionally, we are familiar with ozone injections, air sparging, soil vapor extraction, traditional groundwater and product extraction, and both In-situ and Ex-situ bioremediation.
On the drilling side of the house, we have performed hundreds of subsurface investigations through the use of a wide variety of drilling, coring and/or conventional excavation equipment. Drilling allows us to evaluate the subsurface soil/rock profile to depths which have exceeded 300 feet below the surface, but typically are in the 100 feet below surface range. We have also used excavating test pits for shallow exploration of the sub-surface materials to obtain bulk samples for environmental and geotechnical data. We have extensive experience with solid stem and hollow stem auger drilling and sampling, mud and rotary drilling coring, sonic, vibracore and air hammer drilling equipment.
These services have been provided over a wide range of terrain and topographic constraints which have resulted in drilling and sampling with hand auger equipment, portable mobile drills, skid rigs, all-terrain track mounted drill rigs, 4-wheel drive drill rigs, conventional truck-mounted drill rigs and barge-mounted drilling equipment. Sampling techniques during the drilling operations include standard split spoon samplers, sonic “sock” sleeves, Shelby tube samples, NX wireline core samples and air rotary continuous coring methods.

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