This is our easiest section to explain since the USACE provides the guidelines and we have staff trained in the Construction Quality Management for Contractors process. The process we follow for all of our projects is the 3-Phase approach:
1. Preparatory Phase
This phase shall be performed prior to beginning work on each definable feature of work identified through task orders in the following manner:
a) Review of each paragraph of applicable specifications and references
b) Review of contract/task order plans
c) Perform a check to ensure all materials and/or equipment have been tested, are functional, submitted and approved.
d) Perform a check to assure that provisions have been made to provide required control inspection and testing.
e) Examination/Site walk of the work area to assure that all required preliminary work has been completed to include posting any signage, barricades, and other engineering controls to minimize safety hazards or exposure.
f) A physical examination of required materials, equipment and sample work to assure that they are on hand and conform to approved tasks orders, specifications, drawings and/or submitted data.
g) A Review of the appropriate activity hazard analysis, Health & Safety Plan (HASP) and/or Site Specific HASP
h) The CO and/or COTR shall be notified in advance of beginning any of the required action of the preparatory phase as required in the QC specifications.
This phase shall include a meeting conducted by the QC manager and attended by the project/task manager responsible for the definable feature of work and any other CQC personnel as applicable. The results of the preparatory phase actions shall be documented by separate minutes and prepared by the QC manager and attached to the daily CQC report.
2. Initial Phase
This phase shall be accomplished at the beginning of a definable feature of work. The “Initial Phase” will verify that control for the work developed in the “Preparatory Meeting” is implemented and the work is performed safely and to the level of workmanship mutually agreed to by the Prime and CO/COTR in the following manner:
a) Review the minutes of the Preparatory Meeting
b) Check preliminary work
c) Verify adequacy of controls to ensure full contract compliance
d) Establish level of workmanship
e) Resolve all differences
f) Check safety to include compliance with the HASP and activity hazard analysis (AHA). Review the AHA with workers.
The CO/COTR shall be notified in advance of the beginning of the Initial Phase as required in the CQC specifications. The QC manager will be in charge of the Initial Phase Meeting. Separate minutes of the phase shall be prepared by the QC manager and attached to the daily CQC report. The initial shall phase be repeated for each new crew to work onsite or any time established level of workmanship and safety is not being met.
3. Follow-up Phase
Daily checks shall be performed to assure continuing compliance with safety, contract requirements and control testing until completion of the particular feature of work. The checks shall be made a matter of record in the CQC documentation. Final follow-up checks shall be conducted and all deficiencies corrected prior to the start of additional features of work. QC personnel will continually refer back to the standards set in the “Preparatory and Initial Phases.”
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